The Certificate of Fire Prevention and Fighting is one of the mandatory licenses for individuals and organizations operating in industries that are prone to fire and explosion, such as manufacturing facilities, commercial centers, residential areas, karaoke bars… and especially offices.
Cases in which a Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting facilities must be applied for
Enterprises must apply for a Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting in the following cases:
- Projects on planning for new construction or urban renovation of all kinds projects on new construction or renovation of works in technical infrastructure related to fire prevention and fighting;
- Collective houses, apartment buildings with 5 floors or more, other houses with 7 floors or more;
- Hospitals and sanatoriums at the district level or higher; general medical examination and treatment establishments with 25 beds or more; specialized medical examination and treatment establishments with 10 beds or more.
- Schools, educational institutions with 3 floors or more, kindergartens and kindergartens with 100 children or more.
- Solid and semi-permanent markets at the district level or higher; Trade centers, supermarkets, and department stores have a total booth area of 300m3 or more.
- Theaters, cinemas, halls, cultural houses, stadiums, sports halls with 200 seats or more; discos, clubs, and other public buildings with a volume of 1,000 m3 or more.
- Hotels, guest houses, motels, inns with 5 floors or more;
- Petrol and liquefied petroleum gas stores.
Conditions for applying for a fire prevention and fighting license:
The law specifically stipulates the conditions for applying for a certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting for each type, but basically, it is necessary to meet the following conditions:
There should be appropriate regulations, rules, signboards, or records on fire fighting, and escape.
It is necessary to have regulations and assign fire protection responsibilities to individuals in the facility.
Electrical system, lightning protection; equipment using electricity, generating heat, generating fire, etc… must ensure absolute safety in terms of fire fighting.
There is a complete and appropriate technical and safety process on fire prevention and fighting.
There should be a grassroots fire protection force, trained.
An application file for a fire prevention and fighting license includes:
- An application form for a certificate of fire prevention and fighting, made according to form PC5
- A copy of the certificate of approval for fire fighting and the written acceptance of fire fighting for new construction or renovation establishments, motor vehicles with special requirements for ensuring safety in fire fire fighting when building or converting, or a copy of the record of safety inspection on fire prevention and fighting for other facilities and motor vehicles;
- The list of fire prevention and fighting means of life-saving equipment equipped according to the form PC6;
- The decision to establish the grassroots fire fighting team together with the list of people who have been trained in fire fighting;
- Fire-fighting plan.
For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:
We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:
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source https://lookoffice.vn/service-for-fire-prevention-and-fire-fighting-license
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